Dr. Lisa Marie PortugaL Phd, edd
the actualize leadership architect
Social, Behavioral, & Research Scientist, Public Health Epidemiologist, Publisher, Medical Researcher, Author, Academic, Achievement Culture Mentor
the actualize leadership architect
peer-reviwed papers
Dissertation - 2023​
Portugal, L. M. (2023, September). Public Health Education About Holistic Medicine Options and Proper Use: A Phenomenological Study.
Dissertation - 2013
Portugal, L. M. (2013, June). The lived experiences of faculty in an online teaching environment. Capella University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. UMI Number: 3567876. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1422801949
Poster Presentation
Portugal, L. M. (2015, June 6). Online faculty burn out, best practices, and student engagement strategies. University of Phoenix 4th Annual Research Symposium: Phoenix Campus General Faculty Meeting: Poster Presentation.
Published Peer–Reviewed Articles​
Portugal, L. M. (PENDING 2022). Determining intervention strategy for stroke: literature review, risk analysis tool, and risk management. Examines in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,
Portugal, L. M. (2022). Obesity contributing to heart disease and stroke: Epidemiological data and logic model. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health, 6(12), 113-115. https://www.actascientific.com/ASNH/pdf/ASNH-06-1161.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2022). Autoimmune disease: An American public health pandemic. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 47(1). 38164-38180. https://biomedres.us/pdfs/BJSTR.MS.ID.007454.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2020). A behavioral learning theory public health promotion and education campaign plan for COVID-19. Journal of General medicine and Clinical Practice. Auctores Publishing, 3(2), 028. https://doi.org/10.31579/2639-4162/028
Portugal, L. M. (2020, September 9). A behavioral learning theory public health education and promotion campaign plan for COVID–19. Open Access Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. 3(2). https://crimsonpublishers.com/oabb/pdf/OABB.000557.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2020). Approaches in epidemiologic case study. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, 4(12), 45–48. https://www.ecronicon.com/ecec/ECEC-04-00390.php
Portugal, L. M. (2020, August). Teaching how to achieve an achievement culture in a k–12 teacher education university program. Journal of Instructional Research (JIR), 9. 44–54. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1294114
Portugal, L. M. (2020, February 13). Building knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) for healthcare administration human resource management (HRM): A development plan. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, 4(3), 1–7. Retrieved from https://www.ecronicon.com/ecec/ECEC-04-00246.php
Portugal, L. M. (2019, December). Staffing plan for meeting recruitment needs in healthcare related occupations: Proposed recommendations. Journal of Medicine and Surgical Sciences, 1(2). Retrieved from https://escientificpublishers.com/staffing-plan-for-meeting-recruitment-needs-in-healthcare-related-occupations-proposed-recommendations-JMSS-01-0011
Portugal, L. M. (2019, September). Framework for understanding lagging student test scores in U.S. – Rationale and strategies for change and improvement. Global Journals Incorporated (GJMBR), 19(4). Version 1.0. Retrieved from https://globaljournals.org/GJMBR_Volume19/4-Framework-for-Understanding-Lagging.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2019, April 2). Mitigating interest in union organizing: Employee relations plan case study. World Journal of Educational Research, 6(2). 205–210. Retrieved from http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/wjer/article/view/1913
Portugal, L. M. (2018, September 5). PEN–3 model cultural framework for health intervention and prevention. Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders, 1(5). Retrieved from https://lupinepublishers.com/neurology-brain-disorders-journal/abstracts/running-head-pen-3-model-cultural-framework-for-health-intervention-and-prevention.ID.000123.php
Portugal, L. M. (2018, August). Metacognitive mentoring framework: Reduce student attrition in online education. Journal of Instructional Research (JIR), 7. 133–155. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1188365
Portugal, L. M. (2018, July 30). Damaging effects of marijuana use and educating target population: Pen–3 model cultural framework for health intervention and prevention. CPQ Medicine Cient Periodique, 2(4). Retrieved from https://www.cientperiodique.com/journal/fulltext/CPQME/2/4/60
Portugal, L. M. (2018, July 30). Mental illness and damaging secular mental health practices in western medicine. CPQ Medicine Cient Periodique, 2(2). Retrieved from https://www.cientperiodique.com/journal/fulltext/CPQME/2/2/45
Portugal, L. M. (2018, June 13). A compare and contrast allopathic doctor visit with a naturopathy doctor visit diversity interview: Case study. Journal of Natural and Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM) MedWin Publishers, 2(4). Retrieved from https://medwinpublishers.com/JONAM/JONAM16000134.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2018, June 14). Comparing an allopathic doctor visit versus a naturopathy doctor visit. CPQ Medicine Cient Periodique, 1(5). Retrieved from https://www.cientperiodique.com/article/CPQME-1-5-26.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2018, February 3). Naturopathy education, social cognitive theory, precede–proceed model, and lesson plan. Journal of Natural and Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM) MedWin Publishers, 2(1). Retrieved from https://medwinpublishers.com/JONAM/JONAM16000115.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2018, January 19). Applying social cognitive theory in a naturopathy healthcare educational program for parents and families. Archives of General Internal Medicine, 2(1). 32–36 Retrieved from https://www.alliedacademies.org/articles/applying-social-cognitive-theory-in-a-naturopathy-healthcare-educational-program-for-parents-and-families.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2018, January 24). Naturopathy education, social cognitive theory, and the precede–proceed model. Biomedical: Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, 2(1). 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.02.000690. Retrieved from https://biomedres.us/pdfs/BJSTR.MS.ID.000690.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2017, November 30). A framework for determining research credibility. Examines in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1(2). EPMR.000506. Retrieved from http://crimsonpublishers.com/epmr/pdf/EPMR.000506.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2017, July). Educating type 2 diabetes adults about naturopathy, alternative medicine benefits. Diabetes Management, 7(3). 280–286. Retrieved from https://www.openaccessjournals.com/articles/educating-type-2-diabetes-adults-about-naturopathy-alternative-medicine-benefits.pdf
Portugal, L. M. (2015, August). Hiring, training, and supporting online faculty for higher student retention efforts. Journal of Instructional Research (JIR), 4. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1127697
Portugal, L. M. (2015, June). Findings identifying how administrative leaders might recruit, select, train, motivate, and support online faculty. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 5(4). DOI: 10.4018/IJOPCD.2015100103|.
Portugal, L. M. (2015, Spring). Work ethic, characteristics, attributes, and traits of successful online faculty. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA), 18(1). Retrieved from http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/spring181/portugal181.html
Portugal, L. M. (2014, December). Online faculty burn out, best practices, and student engagement strategies. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (ITDL), 11(12). Retrieved from http://www.itdl.org/Journal/Dec_14/Dec14.pdf#page=35
Portugal, L. M. (2006, Summer). Diversity leadership in higher education. Academic Leadership the Online Journal, 4(3). Retrieved from https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/handle/10919/83014
Portugal, L. M. (2006, Summer). Diversity leadership in higher education. Advancing Women in Leadership Online Journal, 21. Retrieved from
Portugal, L. M. (2006, Summer). Emerging leadership roles in distance education: Current state of affairs and forecasting future trends. Academic Leadership the Online Journal, 4(3). Retrieved from https://scholars.fhsu.edu/alj/vol4/iss3/3/
Portugal, L. M. (2006, Fall). Emerging leadership roles in distance education: Current state of affairs and forecasting future trends. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA), 9(3). Retrieved from http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/fall93/portugal93.htm
Portugal, L. M. (2006, Fall). Grantsmanship and fundraising practices. Academic Leadership the Online Journal, 4(4). Retrieved from
Portugal, L. M. (2006). Tricks of the trade: A report on grantsmanship and fundraising in the current economic environment. Perspectives on Issues in Higher Education, 2(2). 66–79 Retrieved from https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Publisher: Author
Portugal, L. M. (2014). Challenges associated with Hispanics financing higher education. Publisher: Author. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3310.7201. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265907177_Challenges_associated_with_Hispanics_financing_higher_education?ev=prf_pub
Portugal, L. M. (2014). Models of higher education leadership and application to women leaders. Publisher: Author. doi: 10.13140/2.1.2786.4325. Retrieved from https://gcu.academia.edu/DrLisaMariePortugal
Portugal, L. M. (2014). The education of women: An historical to present day analysis. Publisher: Author. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3835.0080. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265907181_The_education_of_women_An_historical_to_present_day_analysis?ev=prf_pub
Unpublished Manuscripts
Portugal, L. M. (2007). The politics of management in higher education: Transformative versus transactional leadership styles. Unpublished manuscript.
Portugal, L. M. (2005). High school students with emotional adjustment disabilities: An action research plan. Unpublished manuscript. Paper was a master's thesis and then developed further in PhD research.